Tag: Guide

How To Use Blacklists And Whitelists On Your Campaigns

How To Use Blacklists And Whitelists On Your Campaigns

The ad-buying process and ad tech industry have seen exponential growth in the past years, alongside constant change and complexity. In such a complex environment, both buyers and sellers spare no effort to seek ways…

Case Study: How To Run A Downloads And Utilities Campaign

Case Study: How To Run A Downloads And Utilities Campaign

This case was submitted by one of Traffic Nomads’ advertisers. If you wish to submit a case study please contact your account manager. Traffic: Push Mainstream Offer: Downloads & Utilities Period: January Geo: Angola Spent:…

How to Test a New Ad Network With Success

How to Test a New Ad Network With Success

How many times have you wasted your time testing a new ad network? You invested 100$, had terrible results, zero support and eventually, you gave up. You know some media buyers are having great results…

Beginners Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Traffic Nomads Ad Formats

Beginners Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Traffic Nomads Ad Formats

There’s a lot of ad formats out there. For new marketers, it can be complicated getting a grasp on the scope and diversity of digital ad formats available. Choosing the right ad format for your…

In-Page Push Ads: Everything You Need to Know

In-Page Push Ads: Everything You Need to Know

In-Page Push Notifications is a relatively new ad format that emerged at the end of 2019. Since it’s a relatively new ad format, now is the best time to test it! Traffic Nomads is connected…

Calendar Ads: All You Need to Know

Calendar Ads: All You Need to Know

Calendar is a new ad format, where the ads are scheduled directly on the device’s calendar of the user. Just like push notifications, the user needs to agree previously to receive the ads. The possibility…

Complete Guide: Create Your First Campaign on Traffic Nomads

Complete Guide: Create Your First Campaign on Traffic Nomads

Traffic Nomads is a self-service ad network built for all kinds of media buyer profiles: digital marketing agencies, content providers or independent media buyers. Whatever your level of expertise is, if you are looking for…

Everything You Need To Know About Traffic Nomads

Everything You Need To Know About Traffic Nomads

Created by experienced media buyers, Traffic Nomads is one of the few ad networks in the market with its own push notifications userbase. With an intuitive self-service platform and expert media buying advice, advertisers can…