In-Page Push Ads: Everything You Need to Know

In Page Push - How it works

In Page Push – How it works

In-Page Push Notifications is a relatively new ad format that emerged at the end of 2019. Since it’s a relatively new ad format, now is the best time to test it! Traffic Nomads is connected to the best in-page push publishers in the world and (bonus!) we also have our own exclusive websites.

For those that are not familiar, in-page push are banner ads that look like push notifications. They are part of the publisher’s website which means that in-page push work in all browsers and platforms including iOS. In-page push ads have a higher CTR then traditional push since the users are on that page at that moment so the probability that they will see the ad is 100%.

Key advantages:
  • High CTR
  • All devices (iOS available)
  • Immediate
  • Appears on a website
  • Broader audience
  • User friendly
  • Doesn’t require opt-in
  • User freshness not relevant
Top Verticals:
  • Ecommerce
  • Crypto
  • Casino
  • Finance
  • Survey
  • Dating
  • Games
  • VAS
  • Utilities
How does it look like:

inpage push example

When should you use in-page push notifications?

In-page push notifications are perfect to increase your audience since you can now reach iOS users using a push ad. You should also use in-page push ads as a complement to your push notification campaigns so you can reach the users, regardless if they are or not browsing. In content related websites the CTRs are much higher than in other formats.

How to Create In-Page Push Ads?

Creating your first campaigns for in-page push is very intuitive.

Before you start make sure you test your landing page to make sure it opens correctly on all devices and collect your best images to 192×192 size.

You can visit Rates to study the average prices for the country you want to advertise.


Once you are all set, go to Create Campaign and select In-Page Push.


Insert the campaign name and select the best targeting options for your campaign.


Select the bid and create your ads. Remember to use a clear and catchy copy, something connected to your product but at the same time, something the user can relate to. We always advise you to create at least 3 ad variations for each campaign and to change the ads every 7 days. Once it’s done, click on Submit Campaign and wait for the approval.


What are the creative restrictions & requirements for push and in-page traffic?

For push and in-page notifications traffic, please make sure that your campaign creatives respect the following requirements:

  • Main image: 760x360px (200kb max, .jpg or .png)
  • Icon image: 192×192(200kb max, .jpg or .png)
  • Title character limit: 40
  • Description character limit: 60
  • Assign a badge

We do not allow the following types of products or services:

  • Offensive content
  • Hateful content
  • Illegal products and services
  • Malware, phishing, malicious software
  • Use of registered trademarks without their consent
  • Use of celebrity image without their consent

In conclusion, in-page push ads offer a new user-friendly and highly engaging way to reach your audiences on any device. 

If you have a winning offer, explore this ad format for extra revenue. Start today your in-page push ads!

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