Ultimate Guide For Black Friday 2023: Expert Tips

Ultimate Guide for affiliates in Black Friday

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, one event remains the same: Black Friday. This annual shopping day isn’t just a day for unbelievable deals, it’s a great opportunity for brands and affiliates to reach new heights and just the right time to run some e-commerce campaigns. Why? Because more than ever people are willing to spend their time and money searching for the best deals!

The importance of Black Friday

It’s the right time for you to get more sales, revenue and profit!

This is quite probably the time of the year, besides Christmas, where everyone is more likely to buy something. With a good plan, you can catch the attention of lots of buyers who are excited to find great deals. This is your chance to sell more and connect with your customers! Selecting the right products or services to promote during Black Friday is crucial. It’s not just about discounting items but rather strategically showcasing offers that align with customer needs and desires.
As Black Friday gets closer, businesses have a great chance to make the most of all the shopping excitement. This day usually kicks off the holiday shopping season and gives companies a special opportunity to boost their sales, get noticed, and connect with customers.

Let’s look at whatโ€™s expected for Black Friday in 2023:

1. Big Online Sales: This year, online sales on Black Friday are predicted to be the highest ever, exceeding last year’s by 15%.

2. Mobile Used Device: More than half of the Black Friday sales will likely happen on phones and tablets in 2023.

3. Early Shopping Buzz: People start looking for Black Friday deals as early as October. Get ready for the early shoppers!

4. Worldwide Craze: Black Friday isnโ€™t just in the U.S. Itโ€™s a big deal all around the world. Think about global audiences when planning your sales.

What should you advertise?

During recent Black Friday events, we learned what customers wanted most. Looking at the chart below, we can see that clothes and shoes were the top purchase during Black Friday 2022, but there are more things to take into account when choosing a product to advertise, like:

  1. Big Discounts: On Black Friday, offer big price cuts. Show off your popular stuff with much lower prices to attract shoppers looking for good deals.
  2. Special Bundles: Make unique sets or combos just for Black Friday. This can make customers buy more.
  3. Quick Offers: Create deals that donโ€™t last long to make people buy fast. Use timers or messages that show it’s urgent to get more sales.
  4. Gift Suggestions: Help shoppers by making lists of good presents. Sort products and give smart gift ideas.
  5. Sell More Together: When someone picks something, suggest other things that go well with it. This can make customers buy more stuff at once.

How to use Traffic Nomads for this event?

Traffic Nomads is one of the top ad networks in the E-Commerce industry, working on a global audience reach and a variety of ad formats. So, we have some tips for you to take the most out of this time of the year such as:

1.Identify the right audience – Last year most of the purchases during Black Friday came from Mobile devices. It is also a known fact that the Generation Z and Millenials are some of the biggest spenders during Black Friday and countries like the United States, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands or Spain are at the top of countries willing to spend a lot this time of the year so it might be a good idea to try those!

2. Invest in your creatives – We all know the importance of images on ads, so to have some enticing creatives on your campaigns might be what’s left for a potential customer to buy your product or service. You can also ask your Account Manager to send you some examples!

3. User Friendly Websites – People more than never are looking for experiences instead of just products or services, so you can see the importance that having a user friendly website will have on your Black Friday journey, no one wants to wait a long time for the website to load or to find a certain product. Think like the buyer, not the seller!

4. Invest in Sustainable brands – Consumers are showing a preference for eco-friendly and socially responsible brands, making sustainability a significant factor in purchase decisions.

5. Set a Frequency Cap – Frequency cap is a feature that limits the number of times your ads appear to the same person and that is available on the Traffic Nomads platform. Why spend money on a user that watches your ad multiple times and doesn’t buy?

6. Be careful with your bid! – The user with the top bid usually gets most of the traffic, and specially during this period that’s what everybody wants. However, if you have a limited budget you should consider checking our recommended rates on your dashboard or ask your Account Manager to suggest you so the traffic doesn’t reach your daily budget too soon during the day.

In conclusion:

Black Friday presents a great moment for you to take your E-Commerce campaigns to the next level, and we hope this article helps you take the most of it. You can and should also contact your Account Manager on this matter.

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