Beginners Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Traffic Nomads Ad Formats


There’s a lot of ad formats out there. For new marketers, it can be complicated getting a grasp on the scope and diversity of digital ad formats available. Choosing the right ad format for your campaign should always be based on the type of offer you are promoting and the angle you want to use to capture your customers.

On Traffic Nomads you can find six ad formats: push notifications, in-page push, pops, calendar, native and banner. We’ve compiled a thorough list to help you understand each ad format, how do they look like and when should you use them.

Push Notifications

Push-Notifications are small message windows that appear on a user’s screen (PC, mobile, tablet etc.), even when they are not browsing the web. Push services are based on information preferences expressed by the user in advanced (opt-in), which makes this format more trusted by the users. Inevitably, this is a format with much higher CTR rates and site interactions.

  • High CTR
  • Highly effective non-browsing monetization
  • Available for mobile and desktop devices
  • Permission-based (Google-friendly) advertising format
Top Verticals:
  • Dating
  • Crypto
  • Lead Gen
  • Finance
  • Casino
  • Survey
  • Games
  • VAS

Model: CPC

When should you use push notifications?

Push notifications are highly effective, so it is a format that is recommended for all kind of advertisers. Any of the verticals listed above have a great performance in this format. Push notifications are a great format to reach users that are not browsing, so it’s the perfect complement to your display campaigns.

How does it look like?



In-Page Push Notifications

In-page push ads are a new ad format that emerged at the end of 2019. In-page push ads are very similar to traditional push notifications, but instead of being an actual alert notification, they are a part of our publisher’s website. This allows them to work on all browsers and platforms including iOS, but it limits them to only be shown while a user is visiting a webpage. In-page push ads have a higher CTR then traditional push since the users are on that page at that moment so the probability that they will see the ad is 100%. Since it’s a relatively new ad format, now is the best time to test your top campaigns and make the most profits.

  • High CTR
  • All devices (iOS available)
  • Immediate
  • Appears on a website
  • Broader audience
  • User friendly
  • Don’t require opt in
  • User freshness not relevant
Top Verticals:
  • Ecommerce
  • Crypto
  • Casino
  • Finance
  • Survey
  • Dating
  • Games
  • VAS
  • Utilities

Model: CPC

When should you use in-page push notifications?

In-page push notifications are perfect to increase your audience since you can now reach iOS users using a push ad. You should also use in-page push ads as a complement to your push notification campaigns so you can reach the users, regardless if they are or not browsing. In content related websites the CTRs are much higher than in other formats.

How does it look like?


Pops are new browser windows or tabs that appear over the main or active window when the user is browsing. The ads appear automatically during the browsing session and display the landing page you are advertising.

  • Cheap ad formats
  • Great for testing
  • Easy to start no concerns about the ads, just the landing pages
  • Easy optimization
  • Huge volumes
  • 2.5% Avg CRs
Top Verticals:
  • Apps and Utilities
  • Lead Gen
  • Dating
  • VAS (Pin Submits)
  • Sweepstakes
  • Crypto
  • Casino
  • Adult

Model: CPC & CPM

When should you use pops?

Because Pops are so cheap, they are one of the most common formats to test new landing pages and to run AB tests. Pops are perfect for certain verticals such as apps and utilities, lead generation, casino and adult. Pops are also a must-try format if you’re not getting the results you’re looking for with other formats, like display. Pops overcome “banner blindness” issues since the users have to interact with pop ads more consciously.

How does it look like?


Calendar is a new ad format, where the ads are scheduled directly on the device’s calendar of the user. Just like push notifications, the user needs to agree previously, to receive the ads. The possibility of personalized communication and the limited volumes are two of the reasons why this ad format has such high performance in digital campaigns.

  • Personalized communication
  • No visual competition from other ads or other content
  • The user has agreed to receive ads

Model: CPC

When should you use calendars?

Because it is not a low-cost ad format and there aren’t a lot of volumes available, Calendar ads should essentially be used in campaigns there were already tested and where your goal is to get top quality traffic rather than huge volumes (to scale).

How does it look like?


Display ads are the most common ad format in digital advertising. It is a spot within a website that is filled with an advertiser’s banner. It is available for all devices and all operating systems in the dimensions of 300×250 and 300×100.

  • Huge Volumes
  • Ease of scalability and optimization
  • Common and familiar format to the user

Model: CPC

When should you use banners?

It is an ideal ad format for both testing and scaling, with lots of volumes available. It is a common format and therefore the advertiser must always be where all the competition is, to avoid losing opportunities.

How does it look like?


Native ads are display ads that are integrated in a very natural way within the content of the site. They match the look, feel and function of the media format in which they appear. Users tend to engage up to 25% more with native ads than regular banner ads.

  • Perfectly fits the publisher’s content
  • It’s not perceived as advertising by the user
  • Present on popular websites

Model: CPC

When should you use natives?

Due to the nature of the ad format and the excellent results it delivers, it’s very popular in some specific verticals such as casino, betting, nutra or crypto. To achieve the best results, we recommend optimizing the flow so that it makes sense to the user, from the site to the offer.

How does it look like?

Now that you know which ad format suits your goals, register at Traffic Nomads and create your campaign. You can test your preferred ad format for just 20$ a day (CPC). Join today & enjoy the results!

Do you still have some questions about the ad formats? Get in touch with our support team at

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In-Page Push Ads: Everything You Need to Know

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