Having high-quality traffic is essential, but for many affiliate marketers and advertisers, it never seems to be enough. Often, the typical approach is to increase bids to get more traffic. However, what happens when you’re dealing with a campaign that has a fixed bid? You’re stuck, right? Not necessarily. In this post, we’ll share valuable advice on how you can attract more traffic without having to increase your bids directly.
Imagine a scenario where your campaign is performing well. Your CR (conversion rate) is solid, and you’re happy with the quality of the traffic you’re getting. You’re even ready to scale up your budget. But the one catch is that you can’t raise your bid. How can you drive more traffic without changing your payout? Many of us have faced this challenge! Thankfully, there are numerous tactics that can help you overcome this obstacle, and we’re here to reveal some of our best-kept secrets for boosting traffic without adjusting your bids.
Tip 1: Play with Frequency Capping
How many ads do you think you see during a day of active browsing? Likely, it’s a huge number. When an ad is memorable, seeing it once might be enough. But remember, your landing page isn’t the only one out there, and plenty of competitors are aiming for the same audience as you.
What does this mean for you? Sometimes you need to show your ad more than once to convince users to engage with your content. By adjusting your frequency capping settings, you can increase your ad exposure without raising your bid.
Another useful and low-risk strategy is 1 ad per 12 hours. This way, your ad appears during both the morning and evening routines, which can be an effective method to nudge users into interacting with your product.
Tip 2: Try a Inactive Frequency Cap for Maximum Traffic
If you’re certain of your campaign’s ROI and looking to capture as much traffic as possible, try using a inactive frequency cap. This setting removes all restrictions on how often an ad is shown to a unique user within a 24-hour period. This tactic works best for campaigns using multiple creatives, like Smartlinks where landers rotate, ensuring that the same user isn’t overwhelmed by the same ad repeatedly.
However, caution is necessary if you’re running a campaign with just one creative. Showing the same ad multiple times to the same user might lead to ad fatigue. If you have a variety of creatives to display, though, a inactive cap can be an effective way to increase traffic without changing your bid.
Tip 3: Refresh Your Creatives Regularly
Once your campaign is optimized, and you’re ready for more traffic, it’s time to start testing new creatives. The competitive nature of online advertising means you’ll need to update your landers and creatives periodically to stay ahead of the competition.
By regularly introducing new creatives, you can drive larger traffic volumes and even improve your conversion rate (CR).
Real-life Example
Let’s say you’re running a push notifications campaign on a CPC basis. If you’re only using one creative, your traffic will be limited by that creative’s performance. But if you introduce three or four additional creatives, you’ll have a better chance of improving CTR.
This same principle applies to pops ads. After optimizing your initial lander, test new landing pages. This way you’ll attract more traffic without increasing your payouts.
Tip 4: Expand Your Targeting for Broader Reach
Another way to increase traffic without raising your bid is by widening your targeting parameters. After optimizing your campaign, expand your targeting to reach a broader audience.
For instance, if you’ve been running a binary options campaign and found that Safari users convert best, why not test Chrome users? You can create a new campaign with a lower bid for Chrome users and see how they perform. By adding fresh audiences, you might discover new opportunities for conversions.
Always Reassess Your Targeting
Reassessing your targeting settings is another effective way to expand your campaign’s reach. If your initial campaign targeted a specific language or browser, consider removing these restrictions after your campaign gains momentum. Likewise, as new OS versions and browsers are released, make sure your settings are up to date to tap into newer sources of traffic.
Tip 5: Use Custom Bidding Strategies
Don’t be afraid to revisit sources you’ve previously blacklisted. Some publishers may still have traffic available that could work for your optimized campaign. By using custom bidding settings, you can give these sources another chance at a lower bid.
Tip 6: Explore Different Traffic Types
Make sure you’ve explored all the traffic types Traffic Nomads offers. For instance, our platform includes both mainstream and adult traffic options. If you haven’t yet tested adult traffic, this could be a goldmine. Also, if you’ve focused on adult traffic, consider exploring mainstream options for more reach. Make sure not to use adult ads on mainstream traffic.
Tip 7: Reach Out to Your Account Manager for Help
One of the easiest ways to increase your traffic is by simply reaching out to your Traffic Nomads account manager. Your AM or our support team has insider knowledge on user behavior in different markets and can provide valuable advice on how to tweak your campaign for maximum results.
As you can see, there are many ways to scale up your traffic without raising your bids. By experimenting with frequency capping, refreshing your creatives, expanding your targeting, and testing new traffic types, you can maximize your campaign’s reach and conversions. Just remember to make changes gradually and track your results closely to ensure success.
Traffic Nomads is always here to support you. Feel free to contact us anytime if you need help getting more traffic for your campaigns. 🚀