Case Study: Reducing CPA and Increasing FTDs in iGaming

Case Study iGaming

Client Overview

Our client, a well-known iGaming brand, wanted to increase the number of First-Time Depositors (FTDs) while reducing the Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPAs). They partnered with Traffic Nomads, using our Pops ad format and targeted Bangladesh traffic. The objective was clear: achieve a good value of FTDs at a good CPA within a week.


In just one week, Traffic Nomads’ Pops ad format played a key role in achieving a 47% decrease in Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA) for the iGaming brand. This case study highlights how our advanced targeting capabilities and optimization features helped our client grow their customer base and optimize CPAs.


  • Reduce CPAs while increasing the number of FTDs in a highly competitive iGaming market.
  • Optimize campaign performance to balance cost-effectiveness with high conversion rates (CR).
  • Focus on Bangladesh market.

The Strategy

Targeting the Right Devices: Since a large portion of iGaming players use mobile devices, the campaign was set to target mobile users. Desktop was deprioritized.

Browser and OS Targeting: We decided to prioritize more recent Android OS versions from Android 12 to 14. Chrome was the main targetted browser.

Use Subverticalization: Target only the publishers that have a past history of converting on iGaming campaigns from other advertisers.

Language Customization: We decided to target the main language in Bangladesh, in this case it’s Bengali.

Optimize the zones: This is the most important part, blacklist all the zones that have too high of a CPA, turn of the Landing Pages that are not performing and increase the bids of the best zones in terms of CPA and CR.

PreLanders / Landing Pages

It is essential not to use misleading prelanders but to play with real post-registration perks right off the bat like bonuses after the first time deposit. Invest time on your copywriting skills for this. It’s also important to buy a domain similar to the one from the brand to increase the user’s confidence.

Campaign Results

iGaming Campaign Results Before
iGaming Campaign Results After
  • Total spent at Traffic Nomads before optimization: $2351.17
  • Total spent at Traffic Nomads after optimization: $1355
  • CPA Before: $27.02
  • CPA After: $14.11
  • CPA Reduction: -$12.91
  • CPA % Reduction: 47.78%


The results speak for themselves. We were able to increase the FTDs while decreasing the CPA to almost half the value and the total cost. Funnelize your target audience the most that you can, keep optimizing and testing everything and the results will certainly appear.

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